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An afraid dog might end up being aggressive if cornered or trapped. When animals and individuals hesitate of something, they choose to avoid that thing. This is called the flight reaction. But if getting away isn't an alternative, many animals will switch to a battle reaction. They try to protect themselves from the scary thing.

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An afraid pet dog will typically embrace afraid postures and retreat, but she might end up being aggressive if cornered or caught. Some dogs will cringe at the possibility of physical punishment but attack when a threatening individual grabs them. Afraid canines often escape from a person or animal who terrifies them, but if the individual or animal turns to leave, they show up from behind and nip.
Worry aggression is identified by quick nips or bites because a fearful canine is inspired to bite and then run away. Sometimes the hostility doesn't start with clear hazards. Key Reference might not show her teeth or grumble to alert the victim off. In this kind of scenario, the only warning is the dog's afraid posture and her attempts to retreat.

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Motivated by fear, defensively aggressive dogs decide that the finest defense is a great offense. Closely related to fear aggression is defensive hostility. The primary difference is the method embraced by the pet. Defensively aggressive canines are still inspired by worry, however instead of trying to pull back, they choose that the finest defense is a good offense.
They may initially charge at an individual or another pet who terrifies them, barking and growling. No matter whether the victim freezes or advances, the defensively aggressive pet frequently delivers the descent on. Only if the victim retreats is the defensively aggressive dog most likely to terminate an attack. Male and female canines are equally susceptible to defensive hostility.
A canine who perceives herself as high in status might show hostility towards relative. Animals who reside in social groups, like people and pet dogs, typically live by certain guidelines in order to reduce dispute between group members. Canid species, including the canine, adopt a type of hierarchical order that influences which group members get first fracture at food, the very best resting spots and opportunities to mate.